About Us

About Us

At 認知症の羅針盤, we provide a wealth of information to support dementia patients and their families.

Discover caregiving techniques, mindset, accessing care services, choosing medical institutions, and more.

Expert advice for caregivers
Community for sharing experiences
Preventive measures to reduce dementia risk

Taro Yamada

Dr. Taro Yamada is a leading expert in dementia research and care. With over 20 years of experience, he has dedicated his career to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by dementia.

Dr. Yamada is known for his compassionate approach to patient care and his expertise in developing innovative strategies for dementia prevention and management.

Why Choose Us

Comprehensive Information

We provide a wide range of information on dementia, including symptoms, causes, prevention methods, and caregiving techniques.

Supportive Community

Join our community of caregivers where you can share your concerns, seek advice, and connect with others facing similar challenges.

Holistic Approach

We offer practical tips, resources, and tools to help individuals and families prevent dementia and maintain cognitive health through lifestyle changes and brain training activities.

Start Your Dementia Journey Today

Take the first step towards a better understanding of dementia and caregiving
